Brain Research
Magic Leap • EEG • Brain Tap
Get Inspired!
Wow! What student wouldn't want to learn how to use these devices and do a brain-related research project?
All of the devices seen below are at PVNet and available to be used in student research projects!
Use these tools for a science project, general research, or just explore your interests while being introduced to incredible career opportunities! These devices have been used by our research interns in their recent projects.
EEG Cap - Brainwave Research
This type of headset technology is still predominately used to determine what's happening in the brain in real time. Imagine the ideas that you can come up with to utilize such an incredible tool. Students in the past have conducted research projects and have discovered their passion for a science they did not know existed. What would your children find if given the chance to explore at PVNet?
Magic Leap - A Different View
One of the most advanced technologies - in one of the greatest fastest growing and most advanced industries. Used for medical, industrial, engineering, design, the potential for learning new skills in this field are unlimited!
BrainTap - Retraining the brain
BrainTap is a new device used to place the brain into various states in order to reprogram and improve behavior. Imagine being able to cure depression or anxiety? The brain tap has also been recently approved for PTSD research. You can read more about it here.